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Open data roadmap

The Open Data Platform is in active development. We will continually improve the platform to make it work better for all users of Parliamentary data.

Our roadmap sets out what we have already done and our plans for future improvements. Improvements are based on what we learn from testing the platform and feedback from our users.

What we have done

  • Completed extensive user research to understand our user's pain points and what we need to improve.
  • Reduced the time it takes users to see search results by upgrading the Parliamentary Search Solr platform.
  • Provided browsable access to parliamentary datasets.
  • Added a GraphQL API.

What we will be doing next

  • Updating the Parliamentary Search pages to make them easier to use.
  • Removing outdated components to make the platform more stable and easier to maintain.
  • Improving internal tools for indexing and data integration to make sure our data is linked and easier to find.

What we will be doing later

  • Adding content to the platform, based on user priorities.
  • Improving the links between procedural items.